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Some history


Why the name Bristol 1904 Arts

You can review this history with images from past times by clicking the WEBINAR (replay) button above.

Since 1894, a group of Bristol artists had been meeting on Wednesday evenings to paint together informally and as friends.  Then in 1904 they decided to formalise the group and called the society at that time, 'Bristol Savages'.  Members would paint to a subject set by a Chairman for the evening and soon afterwards, as well as artists, friends who could entertain and friends who enjoyed the arts and good fellowship were invited to join, just as today.



Various locations in Bristol were used for meetings but in 1907 the society was able to use a cottage on Brandon Hill.  When the need to vacate that location occurred, in 1919 a leading member of the society took the opportunity together with some Bristol businessmen to purchase the Red Lodge in Park Row - for the sake of both the City of Bristol and the 'Bristol Savages' society.  They renovated the building and members of the  society built a hall, as its meeting place for Art and Entertainment, in its grounds built in the style of a Gloucestershire Tithe Barn and called it the Wigwam. 


In 1920, the society gifted the whole Red Lodge site to the City of Bristol and through leases with the City, the society remained entitled to occupy and use the Wigwam and premises on its side of the Red Lodge.


During 2020, after consultation both within and outside the society, it was renamed Bristol 1904 Arts to recognise and reflect our location, our history and our purpose. 


Image of the current President of Bristol 1904 Arts

Harry Stealey - President

Bristol 1904 Arts (2024-25)

Our activities


Our Wednesday meetings make up the core of our activities. They have a long-standing and traditional format. Artwork produced earlier in the evening by the artist members, in their studio, is put on display for members to enjoy viewing. The artists work in a variety of media (including oil, watercolour, pastel and acrylics). Members may purchase the artwork produced. 


Meetings officially start by 7.30 pm with a light-hearted reading of Minutes of the previous Wednesday's meeting and for the majority of the rest of the evening, entertainment is provided by our talented performers.  Musical entertainment includes a wide range of music from classical to jazz to folk. Amongst our members who provide entertainment at these meetings we have musicians, singers, poets, raconteurs and magicians. The majority of our membership is made up of general members who enjoy the arts and the fellowship and friendships enabled by Bristol 1904 Arts. Meetings finish by 10pm. Regular Wednesday evening meetings take place from the beginning of October to the end of April – but we have begun experimenting with extending our season into the summer months until the end of June.


There are a range of other events, including less formal evening meetings, fine dinners, informal lunches and interesting talks. There are two special Christmas events, an annual formal dinner for members, with notable guests, and a Summer Soiree. Our premises are home to artefacts collected over the years and paintings by past and present artist members. The premises are licensed and there is a bar.



One of our most important events is the Annual Exhibition of Paintings, where finished works by artist members go on show and are for sale to the general public.  In addition, over the last few years, we have had some very successful regular morning ‘Let’s Talk’ presentations by members, open to guests, about their lives or interests. These are held with a small admission charge which provides some fund-raising. 



There are several interest groups catering for a variety of member interests, such as photographers, artists, classic car owners, walkers, birdwatchers and cultural expeditions.  Our building and premises is open to the public on special occasions only, such as ‘Open Doors’ days and the Annual Exhibition of Paintings - but we are now introducing some public concert events, opening up further for the public interest.  Click the BIG red WHAT's on ... button for more details.


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