From: Saturday 27th April, 2024
To: Sunday 5th May, 2024
At: The Red Lodge, Park Row, Bristol BS1 5LJ
In: The Artist Studio above the main Performance/Exhibition Hall
Between: 10:30am until 4:30pm daily
More details -->> HERE
Within Bristol 1904 Arts the Photography Group is colloquially known as "The Snappers". The group is headed jointly by Jonathan Bolgar and Roger Bonner.
There are some 14 members and they meet in the Upper Studio within our premises, down in Park Row in central Bristol. Members present photos they've taken, critique each others work in a positive manner and have discussions on photographic techniques and/or equipment technology. These meetings are scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month.
Several times a year the Snappers also organise outside trips and photoshoots.
Below is the planned schedule for the Snappers’ meetings in 2024. These meetings will either be in the Upper Studio or at an outside venue.
Since last April (2023) the Snappers have run an Annual Photographic Exhibition that runs concurrently with the long established main '1904' Annual Exhibition of Paintings - a veritable Bristol institution. Look out for it in 2024!!
An updated selection of photos, for 2023/4, by our '1904' Snapper members is presented to the side (or further below - if you are viewing on your mobile).
If you hover over the images you'll see the photo creator information and if you click on an image you get to see it full size. Enjoy!!
Maybe this friendly and creative activity is something you might also be interested in doing as a member of Bristol 1904 Arts?
For more information please email:
All Rights Reserved. Copyright in all images belongs to the identified author of such images.
Favourite Shopping Street
Hong Kong New Year
Students in a Jar.
Wood Spiral.
Tom and Jerry
Old Master
Friends United.
Girl in the underpass.
Dwyryd Estuary.
Summer Fly
Moon over Bristol
Open Wide.
5 Charcoal Burners
Peter plays again.
Street Can Can
Woodland Idyll
Lac Leman - Geneve
Mirror, mirror on the ground.
Sunlit Cloister
Tronador Ice.
Checkout some of the SNAPPER stories below:
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