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The RED FEATHERS were the foundation members and are still at the core of our Bristol 1904 Arts Society. They are the primary Artist Group and come from many different professional backgrounds; some have been architects, graphic designers, artists, art teachers but we have more than a few as business managers, accountants, system software providers too.



Although there are other artist members of our Society, the Red Feather status comes with additional challenges and benefits. You get to be a Red Feather by presenting a portfolio to the Art Warden , by joining the Red Feathers for a number of painting sessions and ultimately being voted in by your peers.



On our Wednesday night  meetings during the season the evening's Chairman sets a subject and all artist members have the opportunity to produce a sketch on that subject for display to the other members at the meeting. Recent changes mean that you now have 4-5 days prior knowledge of the Wednesday evening's subject and you may make some advance preparations or paint some or all of it in advance although a few artist members still prefer to follow the historic challenge of producing a sketch within the two hours preceding the meeting without prior knowledge of the subject. 



In the case of the Red Feathers , the sketches are offered for sale to the other members at a standard price and may become subject to a light-hearted critique as part of the evening’s entertainment. 



Also the Red Feathers have the opportunity to display and offer for sale to the public a pre-agreed number of paintings (without selection) at the Society’s long established and prestigious Annual Paintings Exhibition .



The current Red Feather artists comprise both male and female artists who work in a number of media; watercolour in the main but several work also in oil, acrylic and pastels, and we are open to the use of other media. Many of the artists specialise (but not exclusively) in areas such as marine paintings , landscapes or portraiture and we have one or two that paint in abstract but be sure that we are open to other styles to provide a broader artistic range.



As Bristol 1904 Arts has ambitions to expand its artist numbers, styles and reach - as a highly respected source of artistic talent and culture and as a venue for its membership and the City of Bristol, we look to open ourselves to a broader audience and an extended season. We are therefore very keen to attract and encourage new  Red Feather  male and female members of all ages.



Included in this website area are some examples of paintings and sketches done by various Red Feather artists. Please feel free to have a browse and also checkout examples at our most recent Exhibition HERE .



If you are in anyway interested in joining us as a Red Feather member or you'd like to see what's involved why not send either of the following an email:


Artist Warden  -  Adrian Vye supported by John Dunn


Membership Warden   -   Connor Williamson


Thank you for visiting.


You might also like to know more about our Entertainment members, we call the Blue Feather members, then click HERE


To see further examples of Red Feather paintings please review our most recent Annual Paintings Exhibition

Again, below we have some examples of the Red Feather "sketches" done on a Wednesday night and completed in under 2 hours.  While they are very good, realistically they do not represent the full painting capability of our artists!

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