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Jim Mearns reaches 105!!
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Retired Entertainer (Blue Feather) Member Jim Mearns reaches 105 years old !!

It's just simply incredible!!

We all joined Jim at his recent birthday party; Bristol 1904 Arts members and other friends where we were joined by Jim's wife Margaret (a youngster some 40 years his junior, mind) and Jim's daughter and son.  There was an official photographer from the St. Monica's Trust also present to witness this fabulous and extraordinary occasion.

Last year I reported on Jim's 104th and so it looks like I've set myself up for an annual event for the years to come !!  There's no stopping this guy!!  And he's such a lovely fellow - full of beans and interested in all that is going on around him.

St. Monica's Trust and fellow active Blue Feather, Stuart "Fingers" Potter (wonderful jazz pianist) had organised the birthday party you see here and it's not often that you'll witness slicing into a "105th" Birthday cake - that's for sure !!  🎂🎈✨

We salute you Jim !!


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