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Bristol 1904 Arts - IRISH NIGHT
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Having the 'craic' on Irish Night

So we recently celebrated 'Irish Night' down at Bristol 1904 Arts - just before St. Patrick's day. And in the Chair, as compere, we had a bona fide Irishman, Arthur Noonan - Joint Secretary of Bristol 1904 Arts. He suitably bedecked himself in national costume 😂😂😂 as you can see.

Also supporting Arthur on the night were Scotsman Ian Watt (also playing the accordion), Englishman Tony Beckingsale and Welshman Chris Torpy - there you go; an Englisman, an Irishman, a Scotsman and a Welshman but no punchline, I'm afraid.

Everyone enjoyed the Irish 'craic' on the night and to get a taste of the shenanigans, have a look yourself a short video at the following link:!AuhZLkS3eGoFkMB1-SiB6XMDmU7k5A?e=8SAj4H



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